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MR334 Forms or Logbook Revalidations:
Check the Upcoming Events info on the home page for details of the next opportunities to
either have an MR334 Form issued, or your Club Rego Logbook revalidated by a Club officer

Since 1 July 2022 there have been changes to the Club Registration Scheme (Conditional Historic Registration).  
The main change is for a rolling 25-year qualification and the other, is that modifications from the original specification will now be allowed.
The Club Conditional Registration Officer needs to verify the build date, which should be on the existing registration papers. 

:  Club Registration is not intended for use on "Daily Drive" vehicles (maximum 90 days usage per year)

As the car owner you need to present the car, the registration details certificate, your driving licence, your Club membership card at either a:

  • Club Meeting - check upcoming events for next date, time and venue 
  • Coffee + Club Rego - check events calendar

Before applying for Club Registration you will need to be a financial member of the BMW Drivers Club of South Australia and also have paid for a logbook ($12.00) online (click on picture link below). NOTE:  Replacement & additional logbooks for extra cars also cost $12.00 each. 

No payments will be accepted at Club or Coffee + Club Rego Meetings

Registration allows for up to 90 days Conditional use per year with your logbook requiring revalidation annually, where it is checked, signed and stamped at the renewal of your Club Membership by a Club Conditional Registration Officer at a meeting or event.

Motor Vehicle Registration will cost approximately $90 per year (Renewal can be for 12, 24, or 36 months) plus your Club membership subscription if you are not an existing member.

Full Members (Single or Family) can only have TWO non-BMW vehicles on Club Registration per 12-month period from their joining date.

Associate Members (Single or Family) can only have ONE vehicle on Club Registration per 12-month period from their joining date. 


NOTE:- If your Club membership lapses, your car is unregistered
and uninsured (even if you have filled in the log book!)

Other makes of classic vehicles are welcome, subject to committee approval, and can also be conditionally registered through the Club.

For further information, please contact the Conditional Registrations Manager via clubrego@bmwdcsa.org.au


The Club Registration Logbook will be issued by the Club - but it must be paid for "online" before it will be issued by the Club Conditional Registrations Manager.

After you have attended Service SA to changeover the vehicle registration to "Conditional Historic", you must then present a copy of the "Registration Details Certificate" to the Club, confirming the changeover, after which the new or replacement logbook will be issued.

Don't forget that the logbook needs to be revalidated annually, as and when your Club Membership is renewed.

Order your LOGBOOK from the Merchandise Store

   © BMW Drivers Club of South Australia (Inc) 2021   

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